Photo parrot dan Michael

ikutan dong
hihihi lucu deh, siapa? aku? or parrot?

Nggak bisa dimuat, gambar dibawah kebanyakan kali ya jadi mejeng diatas sini aja lah

PS: Dear, Dr Vera
Sorry last time when you visit our blog , you were not allowed to give any comments , that was mama's mistake. Mama set the comment not allowed for anyone .
But today you can easily to leave it here.

Michael is doing good now, is only you who can give my babies a good medicine, I had to try to give another medicine before I went to your clinic. But only after we visited you , Micheal is getting better.
May be because the candy that you give him ?( J/k), or because you treats us nice. But for sure we are happy that you look after us.
Thanks Dr Vera.. thanks for being our family's friend.


Lili said…
Halo Ryan, Halo Mike.
Wah sudah tidak ada salju lagi yah...udah gak dingin lagi.

Soal dokter, Mike sakit apa? Alhamdulillah sudah sembuh yaa
Anonymous said…
waduh..luttunya liat Mich pake kacamata, kaya' dah gede, kesini dong tante bikin nasi kuning nih... si Ryan jg luttu tuh mukanya, gemesin....

btw si rafi klo' bobok mlm aja pake diapers coz aku males mo bangunin dia buat pipis..*ketauan*, itupun kadang dah pake diapers msh bisa tembus ke clena (klo' minumnya bnyk), wek..emaknya yg capek nyuci sprei.

Hazmin Family said…
Sorry ya Hol, kemarin gak sempet ngobrol gara2 harus wara wiri keluar rumah.

Gimana Michael hari ini ? mudah2an dah lebih baik dari kemarin.

Cup cup salam tuk Michael & Ryan dari SC.
Anonymous said…
koniciwa,hajimemaste..kenalan yuk :>
Anonymous said…
maaf oot ya.
lam kenal. met gabung dg blogfam. acc membernya sdh diaktifkan. ditunggu sapa nya di perkenalan ya.
Anonymous said…
waaaaaah, itu parrot di depan rumahku ko bisa nyasar ke sono sih? hihihy.. :D jadi inget waktu ibuku maen ke sini, blioe heboh ngeliat parrot banyak banged keliaran di halaman... karna di sini banyak native treesnya... padaal di indo, parrot kan dijualbelikan tuh... :D