Emily as Cruella De Vil , without white and black hair .. soalnya lagi senang gigit gigit siapa aja yang didekatnya nih, daddy dan mama sudah jadi korbannya..hehehe
he he he ... ada2 aja nich Mama Holly ...masak Emily dibilangin tukang gigit .. Emily kan cuma ngasah gigi aja .. Emily cantik dgn baju Cruella De Vil .. eh berdirinya jg dah kuat ya ..
Thanks for posting few pictures of the boys. They are still cute with the costume. In the meantime.....Emily..huahahahha...yeah I think her as cruella de vil just suit with her new habit to bite everybody around..:)
Emily cantik dgn baju Cruella De Vil .. eh berdirinya jg dah kuat ya ..
gmn nih hari ini nyoblos ga^o^
salam kenal juga, Holly.