Photo of the Month

Tante D-eby created for Emily I created some too, still learning to do it

Which one is better?

Photo ini hasil edit-an yang diajarin tante d-eby..wuihh iya photonya jadi bagus.. kayak Emily lagi dalam Movie....Judulnya" Fall in love with the Fall " hehehe

Warna warna fall jadi keliatan lebih indah..


Hazmin Family said…
iya bener ... fotonya lebih bagus .. Tante D-Eby terima order jarak jauh ya ...
D-eby said…
ha..ha..ada2 aja ah nih mbak esther :)...great job holly...ntar sering2 kutak katik aja featurenya biar lebih dasyat photonya :)
yenni 'yendoel' said…
aooo....suka banget foto yg terakhir!