Computer Hack
Now, you never now that your computer had been infected from a virus, the just hack your computer take your information.
Biasanya mereka ambil data data , buat orang orang yang suka pake CC atau account bank.
Apalagi di US sini, nomor sosial itu penting banget , termasuk juga tanggal lahir .
Makanya, jangan pasang nama lengkap di blog , kita nggak tahukan siapa aja yang masuk ke blog kita, kalau misalnya kita pake private pun, mereka masih bisa ngehack kok.
Jadi satu satunya jalan ya jangan banyak pasang information tentang pribadi kita, kecuali kita punya lawyer yang akan protect identitas kita dari Indentity theft.
trus gimana kita bisa tahu kalau computer kita di hack
aku langsung copy paste aja ya, dengan asumsi semua yang masuk sini pasti pintar bahasa Inggris .
- Computer-virus infections don't cause your machine to crash anymore.
Nowadays, the criminals behind the infections usually want your computer operating in top form so you don't know something's wrong. That way, they can log your keystrokes and steal any passwords or credit-card numbers you enter at Web sites, or they can link your infected computer with others to send out spam.
Here are some signs your computer is infected, tapped to serve as part of "botnet" armies run by criminals:
• You experience new, prolonged slowdowns. This can be a sign that a malicious program is running in the background.
• You continually get pop-up ads that you can't make go away. This is a sure sign you have "adware," and possibly more, on your machine.
• You're being directed to sites you didn't intend to visit, or your search results are coming back funky. This is another sign that hackers have gotten to your machine.
So what do you do?
• Having anti-virus software here is hugely helpful. For one, it can identify known malicious programs and disable them. If the virus that has infected your machine isn't detected, many anti-virus vendors offer a service in which they can remotely take over your computer and delete the malware for a fee.
• Some anti-virus vendors also offer free, online virus-scanning services.
• You may have to reinstall your operating system if your computer is still experiencing problems. It's a good idea even if you believe you've cleaned up the mess because malware can still be hidden on your machine. You will need to back up your files before you do this.
How do I know what information has been taken?
• It's very hard to tell what's been taken. Not every infection steals your data. Some just serve unwanted ads. Others poison your search result or steer you to Web sites you don't want to see. Others log your every keystroke. The anti-virus vendors have extensive databases about what the known infections do and don't do. Comparing the results from your virus scans to those entries will give you a good idea about what criminals may have snatched up.
Tuh kan kenapa aku kesel banget di postingan sebelum ini sama orang yang bikin blognya banyak virus, apa tuh si "IBU" nggak sadar ya? ..hehehe ( tuh aku kasih clue..itu blog punyanya ibu ibu ), so be carefull friends....
seperti yang aku tulis dibawah, tuh Ibu belum pernah ngunjungin Blog aku ini, kalau mungkin pernah, dia tuh belum pernah ninggalin Comment.. gitu loh.. aku lupa ntar kalau aku ingat aku emailin ke kalian ya..:)
Biasanya mereka ambil data data , buat orang orang yang suka pake CC atau account bank.
Apalagi di US sini, nomor sosial itu penting banget , termasuk juga tanggal lahir .
Makanya, jangan pasang nama lengkap di blog , kita nggak tahukan siapa aja yang masuk ke blog kita, kalau misalnya kita pake private pun, mereka masih bisa ngehack kok.
Jadi satu satunya jalan ya jangan banyak pasang information tentang pribadi kita, kecuali kita punya lawyer yang akan protect identitas kita dari Indentity theft.
trus gimana kita bisa tahu kalau computer kita di hack
aku langsung copy paste aja ya, dengan asumsi semua yang masuk sini pasti pintar bahasa Inggris .
- Computer-virus infections don't cause your machine to crash anymore.
Nowadays, the criminals behind the infections usually want your computer operating in top form so you don't know something's wrong. That way, they can log your keystrokes and steal any passwords or credit-card numbers you enter at Web sites, or they can link your infected computer with others to send out spam.
Here are some signs your computer is infected, tapped to serve as part of "botnet" armies run by criminals:
• You experience new, prolonged slowdowns. This can be a sign that a malicious program is running in the background.
• You continually get pop-up ads that you can't make go away. This is a sure sign you have "adware," and possibly more, on your machine.
• You're being directed to sites you didn't intend to visit, or your search results are coming back funky. This is another sign that hackers have gotten to your machine.
So what do you do?
• Having anti-virus software here is hugely helpful. For one, it can identify known malicious programs and disable them. If the virus that has infected your machine isn't detected, many anti-virus vendors offer a service in which they can remotely take over your computer and delete the malware for a fee.
• Some anti-virus vendors also offer free, online virus-scanning services.
• You may have to reinstall your operating system if your computer is still experiencing problems. It's a good idea even if you believe you've cleaned up the mess because malware can still be hidden on your machine. You will need to back up your files before you do this.
How do I know what information has been taken?
• It's very hard to tell what's been taken. Not every infection steals your data. Some just serve unwanted ads. Others poison your search result or steer you to Web sites you don't want to see. Others log your every keystroke. The anti-virus vendors have extensive databases about what the known infections do and don't do. Comparing the results from your virus scans to those entries will give you a good idea about what criminals may have snatched up.
Tuh kan kenapa aku kesel banget di postingan sebelum ini sama orang yang bikin blognya banyak virus, apa tuh si "IBU" nggak sadar ya? ..hehehe ( tuh aku kasih clue..itu blog punyanya ibu ibu ), so be carefull friends....
seperti yang aku tulis dibawah, tuh Ibu belum pernah ngunjungin Blog aku ini, kalau mungkin pernah, dia tuh belum pernah ninggalin Comment.. gitu loh.. aku lupa ntar kalau aku ingat aku emailin ke kalian ya..:)
:) Eh URLnya ibu itu bisa ndak kirim di email/YM mbak. Biar ga kepeleset juga
itu tandanya spyware/adware kali ya ? aku rasa dia juga mungkin gak tau kalo komputernya terinfeksi. atau jangan2x komputer aku yg kurang sajen.
itu teman 3 orang yg blognya sering mengarahkan aku ke web laen sih sering ke blogku. ngaruh gak ya ?
tapi mungkin si ibu juga gak tau. jadi ada baiknya diingetin kali yah. biar dia tahu dan dibersihin virus2nya.
maklum, banyakan ibu2 kayak aku, gaptek... nggak ngerti.
thanks ya hol buat info berharga ini!
gak tau napa Hol, aku sering gak bisa comment. udah nulis banyak, keluar word verification. tapi begitu klik "finish" .. gak berkutik... komen gak ter-post.
Hihi.. Gue juga belon tahu ya, nama mamina emily, ryan, michael. Terus nama gue, udah gue tulis di comment sebelumnya kok. :p
jangan save password yang bisa membahayakan kita, misalnya password yang account bank kita.
wah iya cerita ttg bahasa itu Hol, setuju biar anak2 kita belajar bnyk bahasa aja ya ^o^
ada case disini jadi heboh org phi overstay akhirnya mereka dibalikin kenegaranya cmn anaknya lahir disn ga bisa bhs negaranya jd ditinggal (lho?!). gara2 itu bnyk yg nanya caca ma hime bisa bhs ind gag???
ah menurut gw kan tergantung org tuanya ya..:)
Jangan lupa kirim2 link ke aku dong, Mbak Holly..
But so far, aku nggak hobby BW sih.. selain nggak suka kenalan tus dicuekin hihi, juga nggak sempet, juga lebih suka say hello ama temen2 yang udah kenal saja, biar konsisten ngikutin ceritanya.. *itupun aku dah banyak utang deh kalo seminggu nggak mampir*
Makanya aku deaktivkan FB ku sementara.. kebanyakan kenalan hahahahaha...
Deuh.. kok jadi lieur gini yaks *_*