Emily...Our Baby Doll
Lihat betapa senangnya Emily, punya Abang abang yang penuh perhatian sama dia, nggak ada saingan untuk menarik perhatian... ya semoga begitu ya, akur akur terus, dan Abang selalu jadi pelindung Emily, dan saling menyayangi.
The Baby Doll
Photo Taken at HELEN , Georgia.. a little germany city ..
How did Helen become what it is today?
Prior to 1800, this area was the center of Cherokee Indian culture, with villages scattered throughout Nacoochee and what is now known as Helen valleys,
In 1968, local businessmen met to discuss what could be done to improve their town. They approached a nearby artist friend, who had been stationed in Germany. He sketched the buildings, added gingerbread trim, details and colors to the buildings, giving an Alpine look to the entire town. In January 1969, business owners and local carpenters began turning ideas into reality. Now all downtown stores have been renovated and many buildings and cobblestone alleyways added. Faces of buildings were painted with scenes of Bavaria and North Georgia, mirroring the migration of early settlers (This is The answer for Melly's question while I'm still editing the pictures )
An Angel is Sleeping..
she was so tired, doesn't move even little when I'm playing with camera and wings :)
Ryan and Bubble...... so excited ....had hundred or may be million bubbles that we found in front of a store there.. and and free..hehehe
The Baby Doll
Photo Taken at HELEN , Georgia.. a little germany city ..
How did Helen become what it is today?
Prior to 1800, this area was the center of Cherokee Indian culture, with villages scattered throughout Nacoochee and what is now known as Helen valleys,
In 1968, local businessmen met to discuss what could be done to improve their town. They approached a nearby artist friend, who had been stationed in Germany. He sketched the buildings, added gingerbread trim, details and colors to the buildings, giving an Alpine look to the entire town. In January 1969, business owners and local carpenters began turning ideas into reality. Now all downtown stores have been renovated and many buildings and cobblestone alleyways added. Faces of buildings were painted with scenes of Bavaria and North Georgia, mirroring the migration of early settlers (This is The answer for Melly's question while I'm still editing the pictures )
An Angel is Sleeping..
she was so tired, doesn't move even little when I'm playing with camera and wings :)
Ryan and Bubble...... so excited ....had hundred or may be million bubbles that we found in front of a store there.. and and free..hehehe
abang2nya keliatan banget sayang sama adiknya ya ..
Emily lucu banget yak. Adu.. gue pengen banget nih punya anak cewek. Cuma tahun depan ajah deh (ngarep), abisnya biaya pendidikannya mesti bener2 di planning. Kasian anak2 kalo pendidikannya ala kadarnya.
Aku juga suka foto pertama.
Saudara rukun, indahnya dunia...
Emily cantik bener kamuuuuuuuu.....hehehe
Iya Emily soalnya paling cantik dirumah, jadi dia lebih banyak jadi object pemotoan mama, Abang abang sudah susah kalau di photo....
Dan sengaja pasang Photo Emily terus.. biar yang belum punya anak cewek ..jadi kepengen..dan semangat buat lagi ...;)
Iya Aminnn.. semoga rukun2 terus ya, Nak..
Foto Emily Angel bagusssssss banget! TOP!